Welcome Adventurers!

Hey y’all! My name is Nigel, Welcome to Crit While You’re Ahead!

This is a space I’ve created to talk about how I play Dungeons and Dragons; my characters, the games I run, the homebrew I cobble together; anything and everything I find interesting about the game really.

The first project on here is going to be a breakdown of my latest obsession, a half-assed homebrewed Rime of the Frostmaiden hack. I’m kicking out Auril and running the game as a Science Fantasy Western complete with cowboys, aliens, wizards, robots, demons, undead, and of course, big stinkin’ sand worms. So if you find that or anything else I post interesting, pull up a chair, I’d be happy to have you!

2 thoughts on “Welcome Adventurers!

    1. We’ve run two sessions already, they finished the quest in Bryn Shander and have moved on to Easthaven.
      What really hooked me to the adventure is the pseudo-sandbox nature of the setting. I’ve basically kept all the starting quests except Bremen, Targos and Dougan’s Hole.
      At the suggestion of Sly Flourish I’ve been presenting them with rumors about each adjacent town, and the players are having a lot of fun trying to figure out if they want to help people or seek out financial rewards.

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